Thursday, February 28, 2008

William Kentridge video

William Kentridge makes these pieces by drawing with charcoal and filming 2 seconds at a time to create stop-motion video. You could do something similar by drawing and scanning or photographing your drawing(s).

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Hey, this might be an interesting place to gather ideas for you project! Try doing a search on flickr for "man v man", "man v nature", or "man v technology". What do you find?

check out these links for next week's sketchbook entries

Choose 3 to write about. Post your writing to you blog and add a link to each site that you're writing about. (this one has sound) (this one has sound) (sound)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

Flash Assignment

In at least 120 frames, explore one of the following grand themes in art:
1. Man verses Nature
2. Man verses Technology
3. Man verses Man

You may draw in Flash, you may import photographs, you may draw on paper, then scan, then import those files, anything you need to visually communicate one of the above themes.

You may want to research the themes as you are brainstorming to see what other artists have done under these themes.

M/W: due Wednesday, March 5
T/TH: due Thursday, March 6

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Flip Books and Blogging!

Ok everybody, flipbooks are due at the beginning of class on Monday or Tuesday, depending on which section you're in! If you need glue over the weekend, it's called PVA glue and you can get it at Plaza or Main Art. Those sweet spring clamps can be found at Lowe's. Don't forget to use little pieces of mat board to protect your book while you clamp it.

Also, don't forget you need to post images of your collaborative photo project to your blog. Feel free to write about it if you want. I expect these images to be uploaded to your log by either Wednesday (MW class) or Thursday (T/Th Class).

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Flip Book Info

Two flipbooks:
1. Based somehow on Einstein's Dreams
2. Option: a) Show some sort of transformation, or b) give the idea of sound

Each flip book must be at least 50 pages. I wouldn't go much beyond 100, though, or it'll be hard to flip.

Paper ideas:
-index cards (no lines)
-cardstock (oooo, comes in colors!)
-heavy weight inkjet matte paper (good for any digital media or photos)
-photo paper (do you really want glossy? ...think fingerprints)

Remember not to try and sqeeze too much activity into what will amount to about 3 secs or less!

Also remember to keep your composition towards the outside of your book so it doesn't get lost in the crease of the book.

New Deadlines:
M/W: Both completed books are due on Monday, February 18th

T/TH: Both completed books are due on Tuesday, February 19th

Over the weekend, finish all the pages for one book. On Monday and Tuesday, we'll have a binding demo and we'll visit the graphics lab (yay!)